
Physical Planning and Land Use Planning are complementary terms. Physical planning is the active process of organizing the physical infrastructure and its functions to ensure orderly and effective siting or location of land uses. It involves the deliberate determination of spatial plans with an aim of achieving the optimum level of land utilization in a sustainable manner. Land use planning is the process of designating, regulating, evaluating, zoning, and organizing the present and future use and development of land in all its geographical areas and its resources to secure the physical, economic and social efficiency, health, and well-being of urban and rural communities. Physical/Land use plans  are essential instruments for making urban places to be more productive, efficient, competitive, livable, and investor friendly.

Other terminologies with similar meaning – spatial planning, urban and/or regional planning

We have a team of experienced urban/physical/land use planners, that work with multi-disciplinary professionals in the preparation of the following planning outputs;

Long-Term Plans

  • County Physical and Land Use Development Plans.
  • Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans (long-term plans) for cities, Municipalities, towns, market centers, neighborhoods, or any other unclassified.
  • Strategic Urban Development Plans.

Short Term Plans

  • Master Plans / Site layout plans - indicating permitted use, density, access, plot coverage, plot ratio, and building heights for a property or site
  • Action Plans and /or Neighbourhood Plans for comprehensive planning of areas selected for intensive development, by improvement, re-development or new development, restoration and re-use of derelict land;
  • Sectoral Plans- for detailed treatment of a particular planning aspect, for example, housing, transportation (Roads, railway, airports and water ways), communication infrastructure including Fiber optic, water supply, sewerage, solid waste disposal, pipelines (Oil/Gas) conservation and preservation areas including wildlife migratory corridors and dispersal areas, etc
  • Development Control: Change of users, land subdivisions, land amalgamations, extension of use, extension of leases, renewal of leases, site and land acquisitions.